Training to sell on Amazon - RB course

دوره آموزشی شماره یک

Short description :
Discover Amazon sales training in Farsi and embark on a journey to online success and wealth generation. Amazon business stands as one of the largest and most profitable ventures globally. With the RB Course's step-by-step tutorials, you'll learn to sell physical goods on Amazon, focusing on product sourcing from Alibaba in China and sales on Amazon America. This comprehensive course provides you with up-to-date training on all aspects of selling on Amazon. Make the decision to purchase this course now and unlock the potential to earn dollars on the Amazon website.

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Training to Sell on Amazon - How to Make Money 24 Hours a Day?


This was the question I asked myself every hour 10 years ago.

Ten years ago, I found myself asking the same question every hour: how can I generate a steady income to cover my rent, car expenses, groceries, and even save for the future? Today, I'm here to share with you the answer—a way to earn continuous income that can transform your life from paycheck to financial independence.

The solution isn't a secret or hidden treasure. It's the power of learning how to sell on Amazon and launching your business on this global platform. With Amazon, you can create a source of income that works for you around the clock, providing financial stability and the opportunity to thrive.

To discover the success stories of individuals who have entered the profitable world of Amazon business through the RB course, Amazon sales training, and firsthand experience earning dollars, read our RB course results article.


Why Amazon?


Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in 1994, and in 1995, Amazon started as an online bookstore and eventually built a platform to sell various goods. Here are some key statistics that highlight Amazon's dominance and potential for sellers:


  • Market Share: Amazon accounts for 49.1% of all electronic product sales in the US, compared to eBay's 6.6%.
  • Workforce: Amazon employs more than 1.5 million people.
  • Product Listings: About 353 million products are registered on Amazon.
  • Revenue: Amazon generates $386 billion in annual revenue.
  • Third-Party Sales: Third-party (3P) sales account for 54% of Amazon's revenue, with 85% of these sellers reporting profitability.
  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): 92% of sellers use FBA, benefiting from Amazon's logistics and customer service.
  • Website Traffic: receives approximately 3 billion hits per month.
  • Customer Base: Amazon serves 300 million customers worldwide.
  • Seller Community: There are 2.4 million active sellers on Amazon, with an additional 1.5 million expected to join in the coming year.
  • Consumer Behavior: 62% of consumers start their online product searches on Amazon.
  • Seller Demographics: The average age of Amazon sellers is 39 years old. The majority (58%) are between 25 and 44 years old, with over a third (36%) being over 45.
  • Location: Almost half of Amazon sellers (49%) live in the United States.
  • Gender: Nearly two-thirds of all Amazon sellers are male.
  • Education: 71% of Amazon sellers hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent.
  • Income: Half of Amazon sellers earn more than $5,000 a month, and a quarter make more than $25,000 a month.


These statistics illustrate why Amazon is a leading platform for e-commerce and why it attracts a diverse and thriving community of sellers.


Selling on Amazon as a third-party seller is a relatively new venture, and some sellers' overall sales have been particularly impressive. Here are some key points illustrating the potential for success on Amazon:


  • Sales Achievement: More than half of Amazon sellers (50%) have achieved over $50,000 in total sales, and a fifth (19%) have surpassed $1 million in total sales.
  • Profit Margins: Small businesses often struggle to make a profit in their initial years, but Amazon sellers generally enjoy good profit margins. Over two-thirds of sellers (68%) have a profit margin of more than 10%, and 36% earn a profit margin exceeding 20%.
  • Gross Profit: A fifth of Amazon sellers (20%) have achieved gross profits of over $100,000 within 2-3 years. Furthermore, 6% of sellers have made millions in profits through Amazon alone, and 62% report annual increases in their Amazon profits.
  • Startup Costs: The majority of sellers (58%) spent less than $5,000 to start their Amazon business, covering product costs, Amazon and warehousing fees, and advertising. Additionally, 28% spent less than $1,000.
  • Funding: Most sellers invested their own funds into their Amazon business, though one-third sought loans from banks, family, or other financial sources. During the economic effects of Covid-19, some individuals used government assistance checks as investments in their Amazon business. Notably, 60% of Amazon sellers are profitable within a year of starting their business.
  • Product Sourcing: Almost all private label products on Amazon are sourced from China, which has been the main importer into the US for years. However, several countries, especially Vietnam, are emerging as major suppliers for the US. The percentages mentioned are over 100% because many sellers source products from multiple countries, including Taiwan and Hong Kong.


These statistics highlight the opportunities and challenges of selling on Amazon, showcasing the platform's potential for profitability and growth.



Why Do People and Companies Sell Their Products on Amazon?


Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world with 300 million users, making it a prime platform for individuals and businesses looking to achieve financial freedom and bring about significant changes in their lives. Here are some compelling reasons why people and companies choose to sell on Amazon:


1. Global Reach and Large Customer Base:

   - Amazon's vast marketplace provides access to millions of potential customers worldwide, significantly increasing the chances of product visibility and sales.

2. Financial Freedom:

   - Selling on Amazon offers the potential for substantial income, which can lead to financial independence. This opportunity appeals to those who want to move away from traditional employment and control their financial future.

3. Location Independence:

   - With Amazon's fulfillment services and online platform, sellers can manage their business from anywhere in the world. This flexibility is ideal for those who want to work remotely and maintain a flexible lifestyle.

4. Brand Building:

   - Amazon provides an excellent platform for building and growing a brand with minimal initial capital. Sellers can leverage Amazon's resources to develop their brand identity and reach a wide audience.

5. Diverse Seller Profiles:

Job or Income Change Seekers: Many individuals are drawn to Amazon for the opportunity to change their job or boost their income through a new venture.

Brand Managers: Those managing one or more brands often use Amazon as a key sales channel to expand their reach and increase revenue.

Curious and Adventurous Entrepreneurs: Some people are simply curious or looking for a new challenge, and selling on Amazon provides a dynamic and rewarding environment to explore.


By selling on Amazon, individuals and companies can tap into a robust e-commerce ecosystem, gaining access to a large and diverse customer base, and utilizing Amazon's powerful logistics and marketing tools to build successful, scalable businesses.



Most Common Uses of Amazon Income:

Amazon sellers use their income for various personal and financial goals. Here are the most common ways they utilize their earnings:

Family Support: 60% of Amazon sellers use their income to support their families, providing financial stability and covering essential living expenses.

Self-Support: 45% of sellers rely on their Amazon income to support themselves, ensuring they can meet their individual financial needs.

Savings: 39% of sellers create a financial reserve or savings for the future, building a safety net for unexpected expenses or future investments.

Job Transition: 37% of sellers aim to quit their current jobs or other employment by leveraging their Amazon income to achieve greater financial independence.

Business Reinvestment: 31% of sellers reinvest their earnings back into their businesses, fostering growth and expansion opportunities.

Early Retirement: 28% of sellers plan to retire early, using their Amazon income to build a sufficient retirement fund.

Debt Repayment: 28% of sellers allocate their earnings to pay off debts, improving their financial health and reducing liabilities.

Luxury and Travel Expenses: 25% of sellers use their Amazon income to pay for luxury items, secondary living expenses, or travel, enhancing their quality of life and experiences.


These diverse uses of Amazon income reflect the platform's potential to significantly impact sellers' financial situations and personal lives, enabling them to achieve a wide range of goals.


Who is Selling on Amazon?

Amazon's diverse seller base includes individuals and businesses from a variety of backgrounds and industries. Here’s a breakdown of who is selling on Amazon:


  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Individuals looking to start their own businesses and capitalize on the opportunities Amazon provides.
  • Small Business Owners: Companies seeking to expand their reach and increase sales through Amazon's extensive marketplace.
  • E-commerce Professionals: Experts in online sales who leverage Amazon's platform to boost their business operations.
  • Brand Managers: Professionals managing one or more brands, utilizing Amazon to enhance brand visibility and sales.
  • Agencies: Agencies that assist their clients in navigating Amazon’s sales channels, optimizing their presence and performance.



Amazon sellers include:

  • Third-party sellers (3P): These sellers list and sell products directly on the Amazon platform, using Amazon's services like Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) for logistics and delivery.
  • First-party sellers (1P): These sellers act as distributors, selling their products directly to Amazon, which then sells them to customers.
  • Intermediaries: Consultants or partners who work with sellers to manage and grow their Amazon business.
  • Digital Media Creators: Individuals who use Amazon’s platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing and Merch by Amazon to sell digital products and merchandise.


Seller Demographics and Diversity

Amazon’s seller community is incredibly diverse, comprising people of various ages, skills, and interests:

  • Age Range: Sellers range from 18 to over 80 years old.
  • Global Presence: Sellers come from over 70 countries worldwide.
  • Educational Background: A significant number of sellers have higher education degrees.
  • Gender Distribution: Amazon sellers include both men and women, although a majority are male.


Types of Sellers and Businesses

  • First-party Sellers (1P): These sellers provide products directly to Amazon, which then handles distribution.
  • Third-party Sellers (3P): Independent sellers who use Amazon’s platform to reach customers directly.
  • Intermediaries: Partners and consultants who assist other sellers with their Amazon businesses.
  • Other Roles: Include digital media creators, Kindle Direct Publishing authors, and Merch by Amazon designers.


Amazon’s platform offers opportunities for a wide range of sellers to achieve success, regardless of their background or experience.



The Story of My Life and Selling on Amazon

I am Hossein Ezzatkhah, living in Toronto, Canada. As you may know, I am engaged in various internet businesses. Several years ago, I was introduced to Amazon's business system, which initially seemed confusing and complex.

My Journey Begins

The first time I listed a friend's product for sale on Amazon, I achieved about $13,000 in sales in the first year. This experience sparked my interest and belief in the potential of Amazon as a sales platform.

Growing Confidence

As I continued, I would wake up in the morning, check my phone, and see that I had sold $200 worth of products overnight. This was a remarkable feeling because everyone around me had to work long hours to earn that amount. This growing confidence motivated me to experiment further.

Testing and Learning

I began by listing very inexpensive items to test different selling methods and strategies. Through trial and error, I honed my skills and learned what worked best on Amazon.

Achieving Success

Finally, my hard work paid off, and I managed to earn the title of Best Seller. I have proudly maintained this title until now. This journey has not only been financially rewarding but also incredibly fulfilling as it has allowed me to achieve a level of success and recognition in the Amazon selling community.

My story is a testament to the potential that Amazon holds for anyone willing to put in the effort and learn the ropes. Whether you're starting with a friend's product or your own, the path to success on Amazon is open to anyone willing to take the plunge and persist through the challenges.


Financial Value of the RB Course

The RB course offers a comprehensive and valuable package for anyone interested in starting and succeeding in the Amazon business. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its financial value:


Core Training Modules

1. Step-by-Step Amazon Sales Training:

Creating a sales account, finding products, sourcing from factories, ordering, and shipping to Amazon warehouses.

Value: $499

2. Amazon Data Analysis Software Training:

Finding best-selling and promising products using the latest tools.

Value: $299

3. Advertising Campaign Creation and Optimization:

Designing, analyzing, and optimizing ads to reduce costs.

Value: $999

4. Listing Creation and Graphic Design Training:

Writing effective listings, photography, and graphic design.

Value: $299

5. Website Design Training:

Building and managing an online presence.

Value: $199


Additional Gifts Included

1. Complete Training on Product Rating and Amazon's Choice Title:

Value: $999

2. Training on Getting the First 300 Reviews Quickly:

Value: $699

3. Discount Code for Amazon Analyst Software:

Value: $475


Total Value

Core Training Modules: $499 + $299 + $999 + $299 + $199 = $2,295

Additional Gifts: $999 + $699 + $475 = $2,173

Total Value: $2,295 + $2,173 = $4,468


Special Offer

Despite the total value of the RB course exceeding $4,468, I am offering this extensive and valuable training at an extremely exceptional price. This allows you to invest more in your Amazon business and seize this incredible opportunity.

By enrolling in the RB course, you gain access to the most comprehensive and step-by-step Amazon sales training available. Whether you are determined, serious, and ready to make a significant change in your life, this course is designed to help you build your online empire and achieve financial independence. Complete your registration now and join the ranks of Amazon’s best sellers!

I am thrilled to be part of your journey and witness your transformation into a successful Amazon seller. Let’s move towards becoming a Best Seller together!


Training to sell on Amazon - RB course

Success Stories from Our Amazon Sales Training Course